Monday, 15 February 2016


Agriculture is one of the important sector that need a special attention both from the governing council and non-governing  organization.  Agriculture is a field that need a joint support from both young and old, that is interested  in  having a great yield in our economy and also ready to stand independently on any country for survival. Improved agriculture can be done by moving from basic farming process which include the use of hoe and cutlass to mechanized farming which involve use of farm implement such as ; Tractor, planter harrow etc. Improved farming can be adopted using the suggested point stated below;
providing high education standard for the interested farmers; This can be done by introducing the clients i.e the farmers to new providing innovation that needed to be adopted technologically, and necessary teaching aids should be available to enhance easy learning.
Availability of farm implement; this will definiately  helps the farmer to produce more agricultural yield which will lead to suplus food in the country. to make our country a great nation start from what we give to our agricultural sector which can never be outdated. do your part in making Agriculture the best, daily by canvassing our leaders on what to do to improve Agriculture in your community.

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