Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Cattle belong to the group of animals known as bovine and the genus is known as BOS. They are ruminant with hollow horns and hoofs. Economically cattle are important for the production of beef, milk, skin, hides, and animal manure.
In animal husbandry cattle may be classified based on the following;
1)      Beef Cattle: they are reared mainly  for meat production,  they are characterized by having compact and blocky shape e.g  muturu, N ‘DAMA
2)      Dairy Cattle: they are reared for milk production, they are characterized by well-developed udder and broad hind parts e.g white Fulani, fresian e.t.c.
3)      Work Cattle: they are used to work in the farm e.g the tuareg of west African, N’ DAMA. E.t.c.
4)      Dual Purpose Cattle: they are those that are good in production of both milk and meat. E.g red bororo, sokoto gudali, white Fulani e.t.c.
Cattle is a term used for both male and female.
Bull refers to matured male cattle
Steer is an early castrated male cattle before puberty
Stag is a male castrated cattle after puberty
Calf is a young male or female cattle
Cow is a matured female cattle
Heifer is a young female cattle before her fist calving
Calving is the act of parturition in cow
Beef is called meat from adult cattle
Veal is meat from calf.

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