Saturday, 20 February 2016


A diet has been defined as the feed that is regularly offered for animal consumption, to enhance survival. Diets are formulated to meet specific metabolic and physiological function. This can be formulated to promote some certain function in the body. Such as; diet may be formulated to promote lactation for maintenance of pregnancy, can be formulated for growth, fattening, weaning etc.
Different types of diets are explained below:
Maintenance Diet; this is a diet that helps an animal (human) to maintain its body weight without any meaningful gain or loss. These include: energy giving foods such as potato, bread
Diet for Growth: this is a feed with high protein content, it promote the rapid growth of animal. It also includes;  maize, wheat
Weaning Diet: these are diets fed to young animals whenever they are taken away from their mother. E.g. milk fortified with vitamin D

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