Saturday, 27 February 2016


EPISODE 3: Fish utilization
An important feature of the fish-processing industry is that, while the operations are mostly small to medium scale, there is enormous diversity in the species of fish handled. For each type of processing, the fish can be prepared in several ways, from manual methods to fully automated operations, and then packaged in a wide variety of ways depending on the location and market demand. The various levels of progress and scales of operation available in the world increase the differences between species. What may be appropriate in an industrialized fishery is often not suitable for a small-scale artisan fishery in a developing country. Furthermore, fish preservation and processing may vary according to species. Each of the many thousands of fish species has its own characteristic composition, size, shape and intrinsic chemistry. Fish is very perishable and several chemical and biological changes take place Therefore, the research and development of post-harvest systems for handling raw material are important to developing appropriate measures to: (i) increase its shelf- life; (ii) reduce physical, narcoleptic (sensory) and nutritional losses; and (iii) preserve the quality and safety of the finished products. This is important for ecological, social and economic reasons – to safeguard consumer health and food security and to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

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